likes to think up words and put them in order


Charlie Beckerman has been writing pretty much forever. Though his first love is novels, he also writes short stories, screenplays, podcasts and comics. He has an MFA in Creative Writing from Florida State University, and he is currently working on selling his thesis novel, Can't Go Back, a work of historical fiction set amidst the underground queer community of 1940s Los Angeles. He worked as a comic book editor for Marvel Entertainment where he edited, among others, Thor, Captain AmericaBlack WidowStephen King's The Dark Tower and The Stand, and Models Inc.

Charlie was the recipient of a 2015-2016 Fulbright Scholarship to study in the United Kingdom, where he was researching life in London during the Blitz, specifically conditions in the Tube station bomb shelters. He currently writes about the 2016 election for, and lives in Los Angeles.